Expert analysis

Rethinking the promotion of democracy after the Syrian uprising
Policy brief

The “dark side” of the Syrian transition and its potentially dire regional consequences

Arms and democracy: the debate on Syrian militarisation
Policy brief

The regional implications of the conflict in Syria
Occasional publication

The Syrian crisis: victory, survival or compromise?
Expert analysis

Syria: towards the endgame
Expert analysis

Sliding into the fray: Jordan and Israel in the Syrian conflict
Expert analysis

A fragile cold peace: the impact of the Syrian conflict on Israeli-Syrian relations

Western Policy towards Syria: Ten Recommendations
Policy brief

A strategy to rescue diplomacy on Syria

Syria and Its Neighbours: Regional Dimensions of the Conflict
Expert analysis

The Governorate of Homs: is this the Islamic State’s new fiefdom?

The un-Islamic State
Expert analysis

The U.S.-led campaign against the Islamic State: many questions, few answers
Policy brief

The United Nations and a peace process strategy for Syria

The big dilemma of small soldiers: recruiting children to the war in Syria
Expert analysis

A solution for Syria
Policy brief

Scenarios for a peace mission for Syria
Policy brief

Why “no-fly zones” or “IS-free zones” are not a solution in Syria
Expert analysis

Syrian medical NGOs in the crisis: realities, perspectives and challenges
Policy brief

Russia’s policy in the Middle East imperilled by the Syrian intervention