
The artwork "Mare Nostrum" by Torunn Skjelland and Vigdis Fjellheim. Curated by Kulturbyrået Mesén for the Nobel Peace Center and Statsbygg, 2015. Photo: Mesén

The artwork "Mare Nostrum" by Torunn Skjelland and Vigdis Fjellheim. Curated by Kulturbyrået Mesén for the Nobel Peace Center and Statsbygg, 2015. Photo: Mesén

Knowledge and quality

NOREF is dedicated to operating in a professional, knowledge-based and efficient way. We aim to make a sustained, long-term commitment to a unique negotiation or conflict-resolution process, while simultaneously being sufficiently flexible and adaptable to seize any new opportunities that may arise as circumstances change.

As a Norwegian actor benefitting from years of collective Norwegian practical experience in peace and reconciliation work, we are also committed to improving best practice in our field. Developing better ways to think about and approach conflict diplomacy, boosting the quality of our engagement, and continuously focusing on improving our ability to harvest meaningful results are all natural parts of our mission to prevent, mitigate, and resolve conflicts is a strategic priority of the organisation.


For NOREF to support ongoing peace and reconciliation efforts and simultaneously create new opportunities for meaningful engagement, our networks and partnerships must continuously be developed and maintained. Collaboration with peer organisations and like-minded expert practitioners in the field of peace mediation is very valuable to NOREF.

Collaboration and networking with peers provide platform for mutual growth and learning. It leverages the strengths of multiple entities to achieve outcomes that would be more challenging – if not impossible – to attain independently.

Membership of like-minded organisations

Mediation Support Network (MSN)

Since 2019 NOREF has been a member of the Mediation Support Network, a small, global network of primarily non-governmental organisations that support mediation in peace negotiations. The MSN’s mission is to promote and improve the mediation practices, processes, and standards of members’ efforts to address political tensions and armed conflict.

Nordic Women Mediators (NWM)

Since 2015 NOREF, together with the PRIO GPS Centre, has been an operational partner of the Nordic Women Mediators in Norway. The mission of the NWM is to enable Nordic women mediators and peacebuilders to advance the inclusion and meaningful participation of women in all phases of peace processes, to contribute to achieving and sustaining peace. Ten of NOREF’s staff members are members of the Norwegian branch of the NWM.

CyberMediation Network (CMN)

Since November 2020 NOREF has been a member of the CyberMediation Network, a decentralised and independent network of organisations working at the crossroad of digital technologies, “peace tech”, and mediation. The CMN’s aims are to establish a community of practice; foster exchanges within the field of mediation support; and inform mediation practitioners about the impact of digital technologies, including their benefits, challenges, and risks. Its membership includes tech and social media actors, researchers, and civil society organisations.