Report series: Non-conventional armed violence

Criminal or organized violence, carried out without any clear political objective or ideological basis, has taken on an epidemic form in post-conflict and conflict environments where factional and territorial control as well as profit-making illicit activities are playing critical roles in the decision-making of non-state armed groups. This series of reports, thirteen in total, has been commissioned by NOREF and the Conflict Research Unit of the Clingendael Institute with an aim to explore the role of “non-conventional armed violence” around the world. Once published, the reports will be made available on this page.
A violent compound: competition, crime and modern conflict by Ivan Briscoe
Gold, oil and the lure of violence: the private sector and post-conflict risks in Colombia by Angelika Rettberg
Law, guns and money: regulating war economies in Syria and beyond by Mark B. Taylor
The case for contact: overcoming the challenges and dilemmas of official and non-official mediation with armed groups by Juan Garrigues
Tribes, thugs, terrorists and the law: can non-conventional armed violence be regulated? by Cecilie Hellestveit
The balance-sheet of conflict: criminal revenues and warlords in Syria by Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj
Red lines and al-Shabaab: negotiating humanitarian access in Somalia by Joe Belliveau
From violence to politics? Transforming non-conventional armed groups by Katrin Planta and Véronique Dudouet
Azawad and the rights of passage by Francesco Strazzari
Drugs, gangs and vigilantes: how to tackle the new breeds of Mexican armed violence by Gema Santamaría
Stealing the revolution: violence and predation in Libya by Rafaâ Tabib
Chronic violence and non-conventional armed actors: a systemic approach by Tani Adams
Non-conventional armed violence and non-state actors, challenges for mediation and humanitarian action by Ivan Briscoe