Women mediators: they exist and they have the experience

In March 2018 regional women mediators networks and international organisations met in Oslo to discuss the possibility of establishing a wide global alliance of women mediators. Watch the video where select participants discuss options and potentials.

Published: 2018-08-30

Over the last few years regional networks of women mediators have emerged around the world, all working to enhance women’s participation and influence in peace processes. In March this year regional women mediators networks and international and regional organisations met for the first time, in Oslo, convened by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRIO and NOREF, on behalf of the Nordic Women Mediators. During the sessions in Oslo, the participants reflected on the significance of women mediators networks, and on the possible establishment of a wider global alliance as a platform for sharing experience and taking stock of the expertise at hand. Get a glimpse into their thinking here:

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Photo: Brian Cliff Olguin