Upcoming event May 9th: Turning the Tables: women’s multiple roles in peace processes
Despite women’s contributions to preventing and resolving conflicts, they are often either marginalized in or excluded from formal peace processes. Very few such processes have inclusion mechanisms, and when peace agreements do get signed, few of them contain gender-sensitive provisions.
In an open event in conjunction with the annual meeting of Nordic Women Mediators (NWM), prominent women from Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen will provide insight into the main obstacles facing women in peace processes today and explore ways forward in their respective countries.
Despite women’s contributions to preventing and resolving conflicts, they are often either marginalized in or excluded from formal peace processes. Very few such processes have inclusion mechanisms, and when peace agreements do get signed, few of them contain gender-sensitive provisions. This reality forms the backdrop when prominent women from Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen meet to discuss the main obstacles facing women in peace processes today and explore ways forward in their respective countries.
Thursday, 09 May 2019 10:00-12:00
Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo
Marita Sørheim-Rensvik, Norwegian Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security and member of the Nordic Women Mediators network.
Mariam Safi, director of the ‘Organisation for Policy Research and Development Studies’ (DROPS) in Afghanistan
Rida Al Tubuly, founder and director of the organisation ‘Together We Build It’, and executive manager of the ‘1325 Network’ in Libya
Rasha Jarhum, founder of ‘Women’s Solidarity Network’ in Yemen
Closing remarks:
Ine Eriksen Søreide, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs
The event forms part of the annual meeting of Nordic Women Mediators (NWM), organised by NOREF and PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security in collaboration with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event is free and open for all.
Register for the event at PRIO’s site
Read more about Nordic Women Mediators
Photo: Ebba Tellander / PRIO