New report: Designing peace - the Colombian peace process

The Colombian peace process has become a global reference point for negotiated solutions to armed conflicts. How did the conflict parties work to plan and lay the ground for the talks during the crucial first secret phases? What design elements stand out today as most important to the successful outcome of the negotiations? And what was the role of the guarantor countries Cuba and Norway, and the international community?

Published: 2018-02-16

In a new NOREF report, key Norwegian diplomats Dag Nylander, Rita Sandberg and Idun Tvedt share their unique insights into the complexities and challenges of designing the Colombian peace process. They point to the direct participation of victims at the negotiating table, and the effective inclusion of gender in the process, as examples of innovations from the process. The report is a thorough and candid account of five years of negotiations. A structured presentation and informed reflections makes it a valuable contribution to actors in the field of international conflict resolution and mediation.

Read the full report here:

A version in French can be found here:

An associated NOREF report by Dag Nylander and Hilde Salvesen on women and the gender approach in the Colombian peace process can be read here: