New board appointments
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has appointed a new board for NOREF. The new chair is Bård Glad Pedersen.
“NOREF has finalised a transition from its previous identity as a peacebuilding resource centre and is now a fully operational track II institution. We are currently engaged in conflict resolution in several places around the world, closely coordinating our work with Norway and other partners”, says NOREF director Henrik Thune. “Our outgoing board, chaired by Trond Bakkevig, has been pivotal throughout this transition, and we are grateful for its efforts and astute work. At the same time we warmly welcome the new chair, Bård Glad Pedersen, and the three new members. These are challenging times in world affairs, and we look forward to engaging the new board in the strategic navigation of the centre”, says Thune.
In addition to Trond Bakkevig, Pierre Schori, Stephen J. Del Rosso and Ingrid Skjøtskift now leave the board after completing their terms.